And you pay for it.While the latest Dem talking point is about a $15.00/hour minimum wage, it is actually a sick joke. Why? Because welfare payments already exceed earnings under the proposed $15.00/hour minimum wage in most states (34/50) and are growing faster than working wages, even under the Trump Super-economy. So why take a 'pay-cut' by going to work for this $15/hour Dem giveaway (at someone else's expense), when you can sit on your butt watching TV at home and make $60,590 a year (Hawaii), $50,820 (District of Columbia) or $50,540 (Massachusetts) on the old Dem giveaway known as welfare?
The answer is, you won't and you don't in most cases--you stay on the dole as your own self-interest would dictate--but let's leave the 'not-so-poor' on welfare alone for a minute as they are the cheapest screwing we as taxpayers are getting from the fools in Congress. Let's look at the real welfare gangsters--the super rich corporations and their owners, the politicians who created this mess, and other thieves--on both sides of the political aisle picking our pockets for insiders and as insiders. Let's start with the Corporate thugs who bribed (a.k.a. 'donated') to members of Congress in exchange for special treatment at your expense. Remember, government can't give anything to anyone without first stealing it from you--be it a privilege or money--so keep this in perspective. Government does not earn or make anything. Government only takes under color of law (threat of violence) and gives to someone else. So my question is, are you really OK with having money stolen from you, just to give to companies run by the world's richest men and women? Do you really like subsidizing Jeff Bezos and the Walmart family with billions a year, just because they won't pay their employees a living wage? And that's just one type of corporate welfare where we're left to pick up their slack. I for one, am not OK with that--and even living abroad, as an American citizen, I still have to pay U.S. taxes and I'm very mad about all this--as you should be whether left or right is irrelevant. Senator Tom Coburn recently announced that corporate welfare has reached $154 billion a year, which is more than the budget of most nations, yet we're giving it to the world's richest people and companies instead of fixing our roads, bridges, broken schools, and inner cities. Why? The only possible explanation is so these extraordinarily wealthy entities will keep on paying bribes to their lackeys in Congress. I was chastised just last week and asked to quit calling corporate donations 'bribes' because it was only $2.5-$5 billion a year--"it's peanuts," I was told. But in my world, if you can invest a nickel (peanuts) and get back $1.54 (an elephant) every year--a 3,000% return on your investment--that's better than a letter from a Nigerian prince, so I'll stick with the word "bribe," cause the Nigerian princes and princesses in DC actually send the millions and billions in exchange for the hundreds or thousands in seed money--and no offense or insult intended to Nigerians by comparing them to members of Congress. Moving on, our next group of gangsters--the politicians--do this incredible impression of someone who cares while picking your pockets for all you're worth to give away to corporations and those unwilling to work. They actually do this at the same time they are robbing us blind for themselves as well. To set the stage, we pay teachers an average of $40,065 a year and soldiers risking their lives on the battlefield, $38,000 a year, yet we pay each member of Congress $174,000--for life. You did not read that wrong--for life--while the Speaker of the House gets $223,500 (for life) and the Minority Leader $193,000--yes, for life. Not bad work if you can get it, eh? But the real sham is when they retire. Take Nancy Pelosi--you know, the goofy one that reminds you of some crazy old aunt that everyone dreads coming to Thanksgiving--but she's super-rich, powerful Crazy Old Aunt Nancy, so you invite her anyway, "What the hell--she can't be around much longer, can she.?" But when Crazy Old Aunt Nancy retires--which we can all hope is very soon--she will receive her $174,000 (as member of Congress) + $223,000 (as Speaker) + $193,000 (as Minority Leader)--after getting filthy stinking rich on insider deals, like post-IPO special shares for her husband in companies she regulated (VISA as example)--and draw it for life. That totals $803,700 a year--plus--her incredible health care benefits not available to us mere mortals who pay for all this slush. And that's the "thief" part in the title of this piece. Suppose I told you that these same gangsters--a.k.a. members of the House and the Senate--were bought off to pass Obamacare in exchange for We the People paying not only their mandatory healthcare premiums, but those of their families and their staffs' families as well? Yes. Republicans and Dems both took this bribe in exchange for passing Obamacare--but it's how they rigged it that was and is literally criminal fraud. The White House cut a deal with both sides that Congress could apply to the local District of Columbia Obamacare exchange--where they thought they could keep it all a secret from us--and get this--the White House told them to apply as "a small business, with 50 or fewer employees." The fact that Congress is not a 'small business' and has over 20,000 employees bothered no one, though it was in the law they just passed, so through criminal fraud in a collusion conspiracy with the Obama White House, they scammed the American people out of billions upon billions of dollars for their own personal gain--while forcing mandatory premiums on everyone else and making us buy their crap plan even if we did not want or need it. All 535 members of Congress knew what was taking place so they are guilty of conspiracy as well as the fraud itself if they voted for it--or they are still guilty of conspiracy and misprision of a felony for not exposing the crime--even if they voted against it. You haven't read about that in the papers, of course, and if not for Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch suing the Obama Adminstration for the documents proving it in federal court a few years ago, we never would have known it--but even now that J.W. recently won in court and published its findings, the silence is deafening. Not even FOX is touching this one, which is disturbing in and of itself. I'm going to try Dan Bongino today, but if anyone already has his ear, forward this to him immediately as people need to know what all of them did to all of us. So, to summarize, RICH MAN--getting richer. NOT-SO-POOR MAN--not as poor as someone out there trying to work for a living. POLITICIAN--sinking to depths of depravity unknown in modern times, and THIEF--both Dems and Republicans in the greatest scandal in modern history, kept silent by the oligarchic media clique that also bribes them every 2 or 6 years to go easy by not enforcing Anti-Trust laws on the books for nearly a century. It's a mess and We the People are funding it at the point of a gun. If that sounds overly dramatic, try not paying your taxes for a few years and see what the guy is carrying when he comes to take your house and arrest you. But the day of reckoning may be near for the Congressional MS-535 gang and it's called a Convention of States. Arkansas just became the 13th member of the Union to endorse this call to action last week. Utah is set to be the 14th and the momentum is rapidly building while Congress is asleep at the wheel--and mistakenly thinks we are as well. When 34 States pass this resolution, it by-passes Congress completely so the States control the amendment process. We are well on our way to that number. Unlike the media hype against it, the Convention itself is limited only to motions and amendments that restrain federal government (so nothing to expand federal power can be submitted without calling for a separate COS--a process that takes years). So please look up Convention of States right now (, support it, and take heart that we still have hope. That's why the Founding Fathers put Article V in the Constitution. They knew back then that eventually, We the People, would have to re-take control and limit federal government once again. Now is the time to do that--not later--now. Howell W. Woltz Author of Restoring America: by returning to its Constitution, and recent (first) novel, The Lawyers Guild--both available on Amazon.
1 Comment
Susan Peters
3/5/2019 04:04:28 am
As individuals, Americans are still the most generous of people. Go to and help restrain government spending so we can give as WE choose.
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AuthorBorn in North Carolina and educated at the University of Virginia, Wake Forest University and Caledonian University in Scotland, Howell now lives in Warsaw, Poland with his wife, Dr. Magdalena Iwaniec-Woltz. Howell is the European Correspondent for The Richardson Post and Chairman of The International Centre for Justice. Archives
December 2019