Poor 'wooden' Al can't seem to catch a break. For eight long years they made him cover for charismatic horndog president, Slick Willie, who could make panties drop and women swoon even at a funeral. Poor Al couldn't even keep his own wife. Then they made him run for that office, which he actually won in the popular vote in 2000, but was robbed of it by just one vote at the Supreme Court. "What now?," Poor Al wondered, knowing he was still under Faustian contract to the Dark Lord and a pact with the Devil is forever. His next assignment was even worse. They put him out front as lead spear-catcher in their latest scheme to rule the world-- "THE GLOBAL WARMING HOAX." Poor Al had no choice. When the Dark Lord spoke, he had to jump. The Lords of Darkness thought a couple of World Wars and some fairly serious genocide would do the trick to completely subdue us back in the 20th centruy, but it didn't so they decided to change up their game for the 21st, and get us to voluntarily put ourselves under their yoke. The new scheme--we'll give it code-name "Crispy Planet"--was created to manipulate world temperature data and produce the scariest ending imaginable--a world slow-roasting itself--and they would blame it all on us deplorable human cockroaches and our fossil fuels! "It may already be too late to save yourselves," we were told by Apostle Al, "but maybe, just maybe I know a guy, who knows a guy, who can save you!" "One hundred and thirty-four Trillion dollars, Mr. Gore!" All we had to do, we were told, was give up everything that made life comfortable or enjoyable, and hand over our God-given rights to the Dark Lord. If we did that, these benevolent Globalist barons might save us, but we only had a few years to capitulate to their command--oh, and pay the $134 Trillion ransom under their Paris Climate deal, which was part of the scam--or they would just let us drown in our own waste and spawn as the waters rose to engulf us--or they would let us fry to a crisp as the unyielding sun got ever hotter somehow. They weren't sure which, but it would be a terrible ending! According to Washington Post journalist, Ben Bagdikian, just 15 of these Progressive-Elite billionaire wanna-be Rulers control 82% of world media and are for the most part singing in unison, whatever the topic, which I suspect is not by accident. No matter which channel or network you turn on, they are even using the same text most days like a bunch of Mockingbirds, so it wasn't hard for this cohesive handful of Progressives to manipulate public opinion and they did a splendid job of it. Most people in the world now believe the Global Warming Hoax rather than what they see with their own eyes and feel on their own skin every day. As one Progressive of the National Socialist German Workers Party, Joseph Goebbels, was fond of saying, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Today's Progressives are students of Goebbels, so the few scientists back in 2001 who stood up against this Big Lie--the Global Warming Hoax--such as Dr. Keith Briffa and Professor Phillip Jones, were quickly beat back into submission. Ultimately they were forced to falsify their own data to match the Big Lie. They were threatened with excommunication from the Church of Pseudoscience and warned that they would be cast into irrevelance in Global Warming Hell if they did not capitulate quickly. Most real scientists, however, are finally admitting that the Emperor is naked (though you don't hear much about that either). 31,487 real scientists--just in America--have signed a petition stating "there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane or greenhouse gases is causing, or will cause in the forseeable future, catastrophic rising in the earth's temperature."--while Al Gore and the Hole-in-the-Ozone Gang still claim "99.9% of them" are in unison that "Crispy Planet" is just a couple of Big Macs away due to farting cows and humans who like to breathe, eat, stay warm, and go places. Nobel Prize winning physicist, Dr. Ivar Gaiera, recently added his name and support to the Global Warming Petition, calling out the Globalist hoax to a completely deaf media--though it is one of the biggest pieces of news so far this century. He revealed the truth about how the hoax came about back in 2001 saying that there were only 18 so-called 'scientists' who worked on this unsubstantiated allegation of human attribution in the first working group of the IPCC (Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change) report (#AR5) back in 2001. Dr. Gaiera also revealed not only their names (listed below), but that at least three of them were just students, not scientists. I've yet to see Poor Al Gore's scientific credentials and we now know that the man behind his 'evidence' lied about his credentials. So let's take a look at the chart that Apostle Al and a man falsely claiming to be a "Nobel Prize winner", Michael E. Mann, used to fool the world--now famously known as "the hockey-stick graph"--ostensibly showing the world speeding to its end 20 years ago. This was achieved by manipulating the data, and completely leaving out numbers that did not match their thesis, including the entire Medieval Warming Period between 950 and 1250 A.D.--a time when it was so hot, that wine grapes were grown as far north as Runnymede, England--and the hottest years in recorded history, such as 1910 and 1944. In short, it was a calculated fraud. Instead of "Crispy Planet", recent data shows that there has been no warming in 15 years and that the average temperature of the earth's surface has actually cooled by 1.4 degrees in just the past three. Some scientists are now warning of a Mini Ice Age, while Globalists still cling to the hoax in hopes of fear-mongering their way into a modern form of feudalism with just two classes as there were throughout most of human history--Ruling Elites and peasants--with no one in the middle (except perhaps their media and political lapdogs--gotta take care of the help, you know). So where do we go from here?That's the $134 Trillion question, isn't it? The hoax may have been a good thing in the long-run, as badly as I hate to admit it, as it has made all of us more aware of the consequences of our actions, and I'm still very worried about real environmental problems like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of floating plastic covering 1.6 million square kilometers in the Pacific Ocean, rapidly dropping underground water tables and the dangerous decline in bee populations. These are actual problems in need of real solutions, but we can quit being audacious enough to think that we can destroy Mother Earth so easily with normal human behaviours and some extra carbon-dioxide, which makes plant life thrive. Actual numbers show that we cannot, though we should treat our home with far more respect, and that will be my own takeaway from what has now been dubbed “Climategate" by Dr. Art Robinson, the scientist who started the Global Warming Petition, calling out the hoax. We can also stop worrying about overpopulating the planet, as absent parts of India and Africa, populations are actually declining or in free fall. Once these regions and societies advance even slightly--especially if the safety valve of flooding other continents with their unwanted is brought to a halt--they will quickly realize what every other maturing society has learned, and be no different. Ancient towns in Europe, such as Sambucca, Sicily built by the Greeks and voted ‘most beautiful’ in Italy are selling empty homes and villas for as little as 1 Euro, just to get people to come there. Entire villages in France and Spain are uninhabited already, and the same will eventually happen throughout the world, especially if the Dark Lord loses to the Light and people outside these zones of over-breeding remain free. The best way to save our planet is also the simplest. Adam Smith gave us a formula for the success of any nation, "Peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice.” Simple, right? But few nations have ever been true to these principles of success for long. Economic freedom, limited government, no more laws than absolutely necessary, and any place on earth will thrive and stay beyond the clutches of the Dark Lord’s desire to rule us. We will escape their latest attempt at world rule as well--and I give the new President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, much of the credit for that when he cancelled his nation’s participation in the Paris Climate Accord, putting the world on notice that he wasn't buying their story--and he's now been proven right. The biggest hoax in human history has been unveiled for what it was. Howell W. Woltz The International Centre for Justice Warsaw, Poland www.justicerestored.com Howell’s latest book—a novel—now available on Amazon, worldwide. NOTE: These are the 18 'scientist/students' who, according to Nobel Prize winner and physicist, Dr. Ivar Gaiever, started the Global Warming Hoax back in 2001. Make sure you don't hire them to work in your Donut Shoppe or for anything that requires math or integrity!:
And you pay for it.While the latest Dem talking point is about a $15.00/hour minimum wage, it is actually a sick joke. Why? Because welfare payments already exceed earnings under the proposed $15.00/hour minimum wage in most states (34/50) and are growing faster than working wages, even under the Trump Super-economy. So why take a 'pay-cut' by going to work for this $15/hour Dem giveaway (at someone else's expense), when you can sit on your butt watching TV at home and make $60,590 a year (Hawaii), $50,820 (District of Columbia) or $50,540 (Massachusetts) on the old Dem giveaway known as welfare?
The answer is, you won't and you don't in most cases--you stay on the dole as your own self-interest would dictate--but let's leave the 'not-so-poor' on welfare alone for a minute as they are the cheapest screwing we as taxpayers are getting from the fools in Congress. Let's look at the real welfare gangsters--the super rich corporations and their owners, the politicians who created this mess, and other thieves--on both sides of the political aisle picking our pockets for insiders and as insiders. Let's start with the Corporate thugs who bribed (a.k.a. 'donated') to members of Congress in exchange for special treatment at your expense. Remember, government can't give anything to anyone without first stealing it from you--be it a privilege or money--so keep this in perspective. Government does not earn or make anything. Government only takes under color of law (threat of violence) and gives to someone else. So my question is, are you really OK with having money stolen from you, just to give to companies run by the world's richest men and women? Do you really like subsidizing Jeff Bezos and the Walmart family with billions a year, just because they won't pay their employees a living wage? And that's just one type of corporate welfare where we're left to pick up their slack. I for one, am not OK with that--and even living abroad, as an American citizen, I still have to pay U.S. taxes and I'm very mad about all this--as you should be whether left or right is irrelevant. Senator Tom Coburn recently announced that corporate welfare has reached $154 billion a year, which is more than the budget of most nations, yet we're giving it to the world's richest people and companies instead of fixing our roads, bridges, broken schools, and inner cities. Why? The only possible explanation is so these extraordinarily wealthy entities will keep on paying bribes to their lackeys in Congress. I was chastised just last week and asked to quit calling corporate donations 'bribes' because it was only $2.5-$5 billion a year--"it's peanuts," I was told. But in my world, if you can invest a nickel (peanuts) and get back $1.54 (an elephant) every year--a 3,000% return on your investment--that's better than a letter from a Nigerian prince, so I'll stick with the word "bribe," cause the Nigerian princes and princesses in DC actually send the millions and billions in exchange for the hundreds or thousands in seed money--and no offense or insult intended to Nigerians by comparing them to members of Congress. Moving on, our next group of gangsters--the politicians--do this incredible impression of someone who cares while picking your pockets for all you're worth to give away to corporations and those unwilling to work. They actually do this at the same time they are robbing us blind for themselves as well. To set the stage, we pay teachers an average of $40,065 a year and soldiers risking their lives on the battlefield, $38,000 a year, yet we pay each member of Congress $174,000--for life. You did not read that wrong--for life--while the Speaker of the House gets $223,500 (for life) and the Minority Leader $193,000--yes, for life. Not bad work if you can get it, eh? But the real sham is when they retire. Take Nancy Pelosi--you know, the goofy one that reminds you of some crazy old aunt that everyone dreads coming to Thanksgiving--but she's super-rich, powerful Crazy Old Aunt Nancy, so you invite her anyway, "What the hell--she can't be around much longer, can she.?" But when Crazy Old Aunt Nancy retires--which we can all hope is very soon--she will receive her $174,000 (as member of Congress) + $223,000 (as Speaker) + $193,000 (as Minority Leader)--after getting filthy stinking rich on insider deals, like post-IPO special shares for her husband in companies she regulated (VISA as example)--and draw it for life. That totals $803,700 a year--plus--her incredible health care benefits not available to us mere mortals who pay for all this slush. And that's the "thief" part in the title of this piece. Suppose I told you that these same gangsters--a.k.a. members of the House and the Senate--were bought off to pass Obamacare in exchange for We the People paying not only their mandatory healthcare premiums, but those of their families and their staffs' families as well? Yes. Republicans and Dems both took this bribe in exchange for passing Obamacare--but it's how they rigged it that was and is literally criminal fraud. The White House cut a deal with both sides that Congress could apply to the local District of Columbia Obamacare exchange--where they thought they could keep it all a secret from us--and get this--the White House told them to apply as "a small business, with 50 or fewer employees." The fact that Congress is not a 'small business' and has over 20,000 employees bothered no one, though it was in the law they just passed, so through criminal fraud in a collusion conspiracy with the Obama White House, they scammed the American people out of billions upon billions of dollars for their own personal gain--while forcing mandatory premiums on everyone else and making us buy their crap plan even if we did not want or need it. All 535 members of Congress knew what was taking place so they are guilty of conspiracy as well as the fraud itself if they voted for it--or they are still guilty of conspiracy and misprision of a felony for not exposing the crime--even if they voted against it. You haven't read about that in the papers, of course, and if not for Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch suing the Obama Adminstration for the documents proving it in federal court a few years ago, we never would have known it--but even now that J.W. recently won in court and published its findings, the silence is deafening. Not even FOX is touching this one, which is disturbing in and of itself. I'm going to try Dan Bongino today, but if anyone already has his ear, forward this to him immediately as people need to know what all of them did to all of us. So, to summarize, RICH MAN--getting richer. NOT-SO-POOR MAN--not as poor as someone out there trying to work for a living. POLITICIAN--sinking to depths of depravity unknown in modern times, and THIEF--both Dems and Republicans in the greatest scandal in modern history, kept silent by the oligarchic media clique that also bribes them every 2 or 6 years to go easy by not enforcing Anti-Trust laws on the books for nearly a century. It's a mess and We the People are funding it at the point of a gun. If that sounds overly dramatic, try not paying your taxes for a few years and see what the guy is carrying when he comes to take your house and arrest you. But the day of reckoning may be near for the Congressional MS-535 gang and it's called a Convention of States. Arkansas just became the 13th member of the Union to endorse this call to action last week. Utah is set to be the 14th and the momentum is rapidly building while Congress is asleep at the wheel--and mistakenly thinks we are as well. When 34 States pass this resolution, it by-passes Congress completely so the States control the amendment process. We are well on our way to that number. Unlike the media hype against it, the Convention itself is limited only to motions and amendments that restrain federal government (so nothing to expand federal power can be submitted without calling for a separate COS--a process that takes years). So please look up Convention of States right now (www.conventionofstates.com), support it, and take heart that we still have hope. That's why the Founding Fathers put Article V in the Constitution. They knew back then that eventually, We the People, would have to re-take control and limit federal government once again. Now is the time to do that--not later--now. Howell W. Woltz Author of Restoring America: by returning to its Constitution, and recent (first) novel, The Lawyers Guild--both available on Amazon. |
AuthorBorn in North Carolina and educated at the University of Virginia, Wake Forest University and Caledonian University in Scotland, Howell now lives in Warsaw, Poland with his wife, Dr. Magdalena Iwaniec-Woltz. Howell is the European Correspondent for The Richardson Post and Chairman of The International Centre for Justice. Archives
December 2019