If you are still in favor of “illegal immigration”—allowing people who break into our nation to stay—I ask you to take 5 minutes to reconsider. Please watch a couple of the many interviews on YouTube of mothers of young people brutally slain by those you wish to live amongst us permanently. There are far more of them than you know about.
(Click on link mothers of children murdered by illegals) In the State of Texas alone, there are over 1,200 such mothers of dead children just since 2011 when the Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s Office began keeping stats on crimes by illegal aliens. So why don’t we hear about these 1,200 American mothers who lost their babies to the babies of Honduran, Guatemalan and Mexican mothers who broke into our nation, or simply abandoned these precious little darlings on our nation’s doorstep? Or what about the 600,000 plus other violent crimes these babies committed when they grew up? And that’s just in Texas since the state began keeping these numbers a few years ago. Ask the mothers of the little American girls who were raped or murdered about being “compassionate” and continuing to allow gang members from Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico who did it—and their babies—to continue pouring across our porous border at will. Truth is clearly not on the agenda in this debate—just more voters. How the Dems get them, and the cost of it to our nation and people, has proven unimportant. How stupid can it get? But it’s time we asked them to tell the truth about why these foreign babies are so much more important to them than our babies—the ones being murdered, raped and robbed by these invaders. Do you find that statement too harsh? According to the facts, it is not. Approximately 30% of those foreign babies who eventually wielded knives, guns, and bare hands against our babies to kill them were those same cuddly little “unaccompanied minors” that have been renamed ‘Dreamers’ by the crazed wing nuts who want their votes to offset ours. Are the lives of these thousands of young Americans that were stolen from them by criminal aliens and so-called ‘Dreamers’, more important to the media and (other) crazies than our children? How stupid can they get? Do they really think that we won’t figure out what they are doing—and why? They can’t claim it is ‘compassion’ when 30% of the murders and 40% of violent crime in these states is being committed by these cuddly little babies when they grow up—unless the Dems have no remaining compassion for our own children—the victims—who are mostly legal immigrants from those same nations. And it is no longer just border towns and states that are the targets of marauding gangs of dangerous criminal would-be-Dem-voter/invaders. It jumps to 40% of the murders, as example, in far-away New York’s Suffolk County (in 2017)—committed by illegal aliens and so-called Dreamers—many of whom were released to do it again—in hopes, one can only suppose, that they would illegally cast a ballot for those who opened the gates to them and theirs in the first place—the so-called “Progressives” of both parties. How such a regressive creed can have the word 'progress' in it is beyond me. How stupidly can words be manipulated to serve such a sick cause? Are the lives of Americans legal immigrants of so little value to these so-called ‘Progressives’ and Soros-backed groups helping these criminal invaders, that they no longer care about our own people? In any world but the one inhabited by these left wing nuts, this could not happen! It is not worth another American life for just one more Democratic-leaning or Socialist voter. I’m not against immigration—I’m an immigrant myself—but there has to be some vetting. In fact, I don’t understand anyone wanting anything but the best to come to their country—any country. What’s wrong with that? And when almost one of three of the invaders will be the killer in murder stats, they’re not “Dreamers”, they’re “Nightmares.” They pose no danger to the pols, pundits, and latte-set behind their gated community walls and in their enclaves—they go to the places where average legal immigrant Americans live and turn those places into war zones. So what do the legal immigrants think? That question brings up an interesting point that may come back to bite the pushers of this madness. How do the legal immigrants feel and think about floods of illegals and criminal aliens being invited to where they live by the ‘Progressives’? A recent press release from the LIBRE Initiative speaks volumes on this topic: “According to a survey by Pew, nearly 70 percent of Latinos supported increased enforcement of Immigration laws even before the increased attention to border issues this year. A survey by FWD.us puts the number even higher – with 78 percent supportive of stronger border security, and comparable levels of support for a visa tracking system and e-verify.” Why? Because they are the victims of the illegal gang members and criminals being invited to invade our nation. Who do these media crazies and Progs think suffer the most harm from their voter scheme? MS-13 and 18th Street Gangs don’t head for the country club communities where Nancy, Chuck and Auntie Maxine live, they blend in amongst the Latino communities—which end up suffering the harshest share of their criminal activity. That’s why most Hispanics who are here legally or second generation are more concerned than anyone about open borders and the intentional importation of dangerous people coming from the world they escaped. If they liked socialism and violence, they could have stayed at home instead of coming to the United States to become a Democrat. And here is the part that would frighten Dem bobble heads and media fringe-cakes if they paid attention to any sources outside their own echo chamber: “[Gallup] polls show a trend for subsequent generations of Hispanic Americans to identify as more conservative than first generation immigrants.” A lot more, in fact. As evidenced in the 2012 election, Hispanic voters who came as immigrants supported Dems at 72%, but by first generation, that dropped to 58%, and by then, only 7% even rank immigration as their top priority. Like newborn puppies, their eyes open rather quickly. This should worry Dems and Progs as they also embrace the failed socialist policies that drove many of these people to America in the first place. Even more frightful for them should be the fact that their voter scheme is soaked in American blood, and these second generation immigrants are waking up to it—cause they are the ones doing most of the bleeding. In fact, an overwhelming number of the YouTube interviews of mothers of children murdered by illegals, were themselves legal immigrants. Why go across town to “Kill, Rape, Control, Repeat,” (the official MS-13 slogan) when you can just stay home in the barrio and cut up (or rape) your own? If you are in California or a sanctuary city, you’ll be home for dinner either way—unlike an American citizen—so why go to the trouble of leaving the neighborhood? Why waste the gas? “Kill, Rape, Control, Repeat” where you live, only makes sense, right? And it will ultimately be the children of these decent, law-abiding Latinos who have so suffered from the Dem’s blood-soaked ballot box scheme and madness who will turn into—God-forbid—conservatives and reasonable people. So which agency should take the heat for this incredible failure at our borders? Certainly not ICE, as seems to be this week’s media/left-wing nuts topping. They may be the only ones actually doing their job. According to facts discovered from Judicial Watch’s trove of recently-released documents—which took years and a court order to get from Obama’s Department of Homeland Security: “36,000 criminal aliens who were awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings were released by DHS in 2013. This group consisted of aliens convicted of hundreds of serious, often violent crimes, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, and aggravated assault. The 36,000 criminal aliens had nearly 88,000 convictions, including one for wilfully killing a public official with a gun. Yet this alien, and tens of thousands of other dangerous thugs, were release by DHS onto an unsuspecting American public.” [Clean House, by Tom Fitton] As Lamar Smith, Former House Judiciary Committee Chairman described this incredible Obama DHS crime against the American public, it was “the worst prison break in American history.” But he was wrong, through no fault of Chairman Smith’s, only because Homeland Security (what a name for an agency that knowingly puts us in such danger!) had lied or at best, failed to follow the court order to disclose the truth. It was actually “165,900 convicted criminal aliens throughout the United States, including murderers, kidnappers, and aliens convicted of aggravated and sexual assault.” That was the worst prison break in American history and it was this misnamed “Department of Homeland Security” that did it on orders of the Obama White House and as part of the Dems’ scheme to dilute the votes of American citizens, by tilting the game to the left in their favor. The cost to the Democrats and Progressives everywhere of this wholesale importation of criminals, just to offset the votes of legal immigrants and other Americans, should come back to haunt them as all minority unemployment (including Hispanic) continues to plummet to record lows under the sensible policies now being employed. Why would the legal immigrants here—or any other group in America besides the Dems’ big-business donors at the Chamber of Commerce—want cheap illegal aliens to take jobs from those who already live here and followed the rules? The answer is, if they do now, they won’t for long. As the stats show, their eyes are opening. As for the Progressives on both sides of the aisle who are willing to trade the lives of American children for a short term ballot box gain by importing criminals and gang members from other nations, well, may they rot in Hell for what they are doing. Howell W. Woltz Author of “Restoring America: by returning to its Constitution,” now available on Amazon and Kindle as of June, 2018. https://www.amazon.com/Restoring-America-returning-its-Constitution/dp/171957863X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1532326692&sr=8-1&keywords=restoring+america&dpID=41kM07y4sCL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY AND WELCOME TO THE SECOND REVOLUTION!! Let’s start with a little Q & A to warm up. First of all, dump any preconceived notions, because they will be bent or bruised rather quickly, I suspect, once we start. Nor will you will find the answers in the mainstream press. This is scoop from inside the beast itself. Ready? First question—What rogue nation in history incarcerated more of its citizens than any other? A) The Soviet Union, B) Nazi Germany, C) Communist China, or D) The United States of America. Next, which Justice System has a 73% rate of error in convictions on review with 9% provably innocent when put to the hazard—even when the outcome for the defendant is death? Only a handful of nations still murder their own people so— Afghanistan, Belarus, China, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Malaysia, North Korea, Pakistan, Palestine Hamas authorities (Gaza), Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Somalia, Sudan, Taiwan, UAE, USA, Vietnam and Yemen, are your choices. Pick one of them. Pretty sick group of countries, right? Next question—What nation still uses prison slave labor for private industry, as the Nazis, Communist Chinese and Soviet Union did in the 20th century? Hint: It’s one of the countries that also still murder their own people. Next question—What nation has the highest conviction rate in the world? Hint—it’s also one of those nations that still kills their citizens, so you can choose from that same group of baddies again. And last question—what nation’s citizens have the inalienable right to challenge wrongful detention or incarceration (habeas corpus), but had it illegally suspended to hide that nation’s high rate of prosecutorial misconduct and error? Again, you can use the same list of sickos that still murder their own people. Ready for the answers? Good. Question 1—highest rate of incarceration With less than 5% of the world’s population, the United States of America has 25% of its prisoners. 71+ million Americans have been labelled as ‘felons’ and imprisoned or executed just since I was in college. While the U.S. Constitution guarantees certain inalienable rights, every one of these 71+ million Americans have been alienated from those rights as a result of their conviction. “The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 71 million people—approximately 25% of the American population—have a criminal record,” as published in the BNA Criminal Law Reporter in its May 19, 2010 issue; Vol. 87, No. 7. I’m giving the date and publication because the U.S. Department of Justice had the report sequestered (and the Obama Administration threatened me with imprisonment in 2015, if I continued talking publicly and writing about this)—to the point I had to leave my home nation. Though federal government is restricted by the U. S. Constitution to the punishment only three crimes— 1) piracy on the high seas or against the laws of other nations, 2) counterfeiting of U.S. currency or government securities, and 3) treason— it has concocted 314,000 ways to send its own citizens to prison—a record. In fact, one could add up the laws of most other nations and not get to that many ‘criminal’ statutes. Crime and punishment with those three exceptions was, by Constitution, the province of the individual States—not the federal government, so federal government is in breach of our contract. But that has not stopped the “Progressives” of the past century, Republicans and Democrats alike, from violating that provision in lavish fashion using what they call ‘Administrative law.’ These are statutes never passed by any elected officials or signed into law by a president. Have you mistreated a mailbag? Have you released a mammal from a net? Have you given a neighbour milk or butter from your cow? Or—get this— have you ‘thought’ about committing a crime? U.S. government attorneys now use that last charge as suspenders in over 90% of federal cases, as there simply is no defence against it. "Conspiracy" is an inchoate crime of thought. A study by Harvard School of Law, as cited in a book by Boston Attorney Harvey Silverglate, estimates that the average American now commits three of these “felonies” a day and does not even know it, they are so vague or ridiculous that normal people would never consider such behaviour criminal. In his book, “Three Felonies a Day—how the Feds target the innocent,” Silverglate reveals how federal criminal laws have become so dangerously disconnected from the English common law tradition that prosecutors can pin arguable federal crimes on any one for even the most seemingly innocuous behaviour. If they can’t find a ‘crime’, the citizen being targeted is charged with thinking about committing one (now called ‘conspiracy’) and often spends more years in prison than if they had actually committed the underlying act about which they were alleged to have been ‘thinking.’ Question 2—Who gets it ‘wrong’ the most? The answer to this one sounds so crazy that I’ll use a quote from The New Yorker Magazine (The Destruction of Defendants’ Rights By Lincoln Caplan June 21, 2015): “ ‘A landmark Columbia Law School study of virtually every state and federal death-penalty appeal from 1973 to 1995 reported that “courts found serious, reversible error in nearly 7 of every 10 of the thousands of capital sentences that were fully reviewed during the period.” There were so many mistakes, the study found, that after “state courts threw out 47% of death sentences due to serious flaws, a later federal review found ‘serious error’—error undermining the reliability of the outcome—in 40% of the remaining sentences.” And this was not a small batch of cases, but rather almost every one over that 22 year period—5,670 of them. This was so underreported that I tracked down the study itself back then before it also disappeared under the Obama information purge (https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/summary-columbia-university-study-prof-james-s-liebman) and published it from abroad so it would survive his presidency. So what do you do with prosecutors and judges that are either 1) so corrupt and dishonest that they wrongfully or intentionally put innocent people on the prison plantation as slave labor—or worse— 2) are so incompetent that they ‘get it wrong’ 8 out of 10 times? What other job on earth besides being a United States Prosecutor or Judge allows you to have such a horrendous record and still keep your job? I can’t think of any. But, in post-constitutional America, all you have to do if you are a judge or prosecutor is make case law that gives you immunity for your crimes. That’s right. As long as they are at work when they break the law by violating the rights of those who come before them, they’ve put themselves above the law in a string of questionable decisions beginning with Pierson v. Ray in 1967. Question 3—What nation still uses slave prison labor for private industry? Just one. The United States of America. And here is where I am going to spill the beans on how I know all of this. I was seven years a slave myself, targeted in a political vendetta for my writings and speeches reaching back over 30 years. I was illegally detained for 87 months all over America (29 moves between jails and prisons to keep me sequestered and from getting real help) without ever being convicted in or by any court of jurisdiction for any crime. Only now are those crimes of the United States federal courts and Department of Justice prosecutors being addressed—a decade later—under the new Trump Administration’s attorneys, who replaced Obama’s Progs. When they had to let me go, I immediately started writing and speaking out on these subjects again as I have since giving my first speech on this topic (September 15, 1977). A long-forgotten article about that first speech popped up in my e-mail in Eastern Europe in 2016, the day after I published a report on this topic of U.S. slave prison-labor. The e-mail’s sender information was blank, and then disappeared as I was trapping this image from that newspaper "The Mount Airy Times" which went out of business over quarter century ago. It was a warning, clearly, and threats followed it, which only stopped in 2016 after Trump’s unexpected win over the next Progressive in line to take over the American throne—Hillary Rodham Clinton--who by some miracle, lost. The harassment by Obama Administration officials against me began in earnest after I gave a TED talk in 2014 on these crimes (and the need for federal Ombudsmen to stop corrupt government agents and officials), as well as a documentary film on my story (Justice Denied: the United States v. The People) that became one of the top four films in its category worldwide as announced at the Sundance Film Festival that year (http://www.howellwoltz.com/film.html). Life became nothing short of dangerous after that. It started with death threats by phone calls—routed abroad through numbers that did not exist—in the middle of the night, warning me to stop talking about what they had done to me ‘or else.’ When that did not work, I was threatened at my home by armed federal agents of the Obama Justice Department based in Raleigh, North Carolina (on more than one occasion), warning me to “shut up, or we’ll do it to you again,” and I was constantly followed. They then started harassing and threatening my family, including break-ins, threats of prosecution and worse. Soon thereafter, I left the U.S. without telling anyone where I was going and now live and write from the former Soviet bloc nation of Poland—in complete freedom. After my last book was published in 2018, however, an Eastern District NC judge about whose crimes I had written extensively (Senior Federal Judge W. Earl Britt) ordered my remaining assets at Merrill Lynch in New York seized--all of it--out of pure spite. So no one can tell me that prisons all over America are not acting as slave labor camps for American industry or that our courts act justly. Even President Donald Trump knows how corrupt these people are now, but it takes one of us who was there in the American Gulag to know about the slave labor camps. I was, and when I challenged the slave labor issue in federal court, the judge’s response was that the $5.00 per month I was being paid clearly meant that I was not a slave—I was compensated for my involuntary labor (though many slaves of old were also paid a pittance) and my complaint was dismissed. All federal prisons now employ slave prison labor and 37 states have legalised the contracting of prison labor by private corporations as well. And these are not sweatshop outfits, this is the Crème de la Crème of American (and foreign) industry, including IBM, Boeing, Motorola, Microsoft, AT&T Wireless, Texas Instrument, Dell, Compaq, Honeywell, Hewlett-Packard, Nortel, Lucent Technologies, 3Com, Intel, Northern Telecom, TWA, Nordstrom’s, Revlon, Macy’s, Pierre Cardin, Target Stores, and many more. According to Vicky Peláez at Global Research, as of May 05, 2018 these businesses said they “are excited about the economic boom generation by prison labor.” Since being legalised in 1980, the profits of just these companies shot up from $392 million to $1.31 billion, through 1994, when the Clinton Administration partnered with private prison companies—(and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton were given a significant shareholding in Aramark Industries—a major supplier to the prison-industrial complex). No figures are public since then and the subject is hidden from the public by the mainstream media—as they are also owners of many of private prison companies or shareholders in those benefiting from the prison plantation scheme. Disney Company, as example, is not just about Mickey Mouse any more. They are a major player in the prison-for-profit industry. Question 4—What nation has the highest conviction rate? As far as quizzes go, I guess this is a bummer when the answer is the same for every question, but again, the United States of America is the winner. Of every 1,000 Americans targeted by U.S. prosecutors, only 14 of the very richest or politically connected will walk out a free person. The other 98.6% of U.S. prosecutors’ targets and victims are not so lucky. The cost of defending against attack by government with such a stacked deck is simply beyond the means of all but the richest of Americans. In 2013, as example, Raj Rajaratnam spent over $40 million to defend against charges of insider trading—and that does not count the cost of his appeal. Bill Ruehle, CFO at BroadCom, successfully defended himself for the bargain price of $30 million. Though the Constitution again requires government to try all criminal cases before a jury, that happens in only one of twenty cases today. The rest are coerced into plea agreements by unscrupulous government prosecutors. 77.1% of their targets will never be free a day until they go to prison. They are held in dangerous, filthy county jails until they agree to take a deal to escape the violence —though the Constitution also guarantees the right to a reasonable bail. The misnomered “Bail Reform Act” of 1984 simply did away with that right by allowing prosecutors to hold anyone considered a ‘flight risk’ or ‘a danger to the community.’ Taking no chances, in the roughly 400 criminal cases I’ve personally worked on over the past decade, prosecutors claim both. And while the Speedy Trial Act of 1974 and the Bill of Rights demand that all trials begin no later than 70 days after arrest, (including only a handful of excludable delays) I have never seen that law followed in a single case. Prosecutors and judges simply ignore the Constitution—as they are immune from penalty for violating it themselves. I worked on cases where government’s targets were held for five years and more in violation of law and Constitution because they refused to take the prosecutors’ ‘deal’ or plead guilty to a crime they did not commit. Question 5—What nation suspended the right to habeas corpus in violation of its own Constitution? I guess you have realised by now that there is only one answer, and that is unfortunately the nation I love more than any—my homeland—The United States of America. Remember the capital cases above where government got it wrong almost every time? “Without federal habeas corpus, those serious errors would have gone unchecked. Instead of later being found not to deserve the death penalty, as happened in seventy-three per cent of the cases, or instead of being found innocent, as happened in nine per cent of the cases, these defendants likely would have been put to death.” (Quoted also from The New Yorker Magazine article previously cited). Though federal government was absolutely forbidden from suspending the right to challenge illegal detention or sentencing except in “cases of Rebellion or Invasion,” that was done anyway by The Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 (A.E.D.P.A.) and signed into law by a president claiming to be a constitutional lawyer—Bill Clinton—who was also by then promised ownership in Aramark Industries upon exiting from that job. (I read about that in a prison guard union magazine I found in the trash back in 2008—urging the union members to vote for Hillary in the Democratic Primary as she was vested in their industry through owning millions of dollars in Aramark Industries stock—again, not public information). So what did they do about the 80+% error rate? Well, rather than fix or even admit to the system’s disrepair, they in effect suspended the citizen’s right to publicly prove their error to protect corrupt prosecutors and inept judges. Now let’s recap from our quiz. Of the 71+ million Americans ruined since I was in college—using almost exclusively laws not authorised by the Constitution—the United States system of ‘Justice’ improperly disenfranchised 58,000,000 of its citizens—a number so huge that the world should have been screaming—but almost no one knows it—and if you write or speak out about it in America—at least until now under the new Trump Administration—you were jailed, threatened into silence, or had to leave. By the way, the secret effort to steal my remaining U.S. assets at Merrill Lynch was started under the Obama gang at the DOJ in 2013 and it was a Democratic judge who signed the order taking them in May of 2018--in an out-of-jurisdiction court, so I don't blame the new Administration or its leader. It was the Progs, though Jeff Sessions, unfortunately supports such theft like his predecessors, but I have faith President Trump will fix that criminal conduct by the DOJ as well once he cleans house there. But back to the point--58 million Americans disenfranchised as citizens—or murdered by their nation—and no one is saying a word about it? All I did was cobble together information that was dripped into the public over the years and consolidated it—but I never would have known all of this from public sources available outside of prison, as the Progressive media is in on the scheme. I found the BNA Criminal Law Reporter in the law library of FCI-Beckley in West Virginia, not on the outside. But there is real hope now for change for the first time in decades. The work that exposed this information publicly and caused me to be threatened by the Obama Administration to the point I had to leave my own country, became an international bestseller once I was safely abroad and— “Justice Restored: 10 steps to end mass incarceration in America”— is now being used by the Trump White House as a guide to reform that same corruption. That information went from being a reason to jail me and steal everything I had under the Obama Progressives, to a handbook for reform under the man they love to hate. President Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, has assembled a committee of 20 reformers of every creed and color from around the nation to address this problem—and they are actually doing something about it. Kushner knows the problems well, as his father—my old landlord from New York, Charles Kushner—suffered a similar politically motivated prosecution in 2005. Someone is finally pulling the cover off the Progressives’ slave labor prison business as well as their associated disenfranchisement scheme used to control the political game and it’s time as the old song says that they “LET MY PEOPLE GO.” I have two takeaways from this piece for America and—for any who agree that before the United States can reclaim any moral high ground in the world, this criminal system of 'justice' must be stopped:
The first four nations to establish such offices of ombudsmen to rout out corruption in government (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Finland) are also now the four most transparent on earth—so it works. By taking Step 1 and restoring penalty for those in power who violate the public trust, the system can quickly right itself. By taking Step 2, and issuing a blanket pardon—as is his constitutional right—President Donald J. Trump would cement himself into the White House for as long as he wants the job. I say this confidently as I remember going to bed in early July of 1964, and every black member of our community was a follower of the party of Abraham Lincoln—the Republican—who was credited with setting them free. The next morning, however, every single black person I knew—overnight—became a Democrat for life. Why? Because the same Democratic Party that put them in slavery and continued their disenfranchisement for a century after they were freed, was the party that passed the Civil Rights Act in July of 1964, giving them back their rights, dignity and privileges as full citizens of the republic. I can tell you from the personal experience of having had everything taken from me—including those rights and my dignity—that President Donald J. Trump would have the hearts and souls of 71 million Americans—approximately 25% of the nation's adults— behind him forever, like the Democrats won over 13 million people overnight in 1964 as voters for generations—just by doing the right thing. Howell W. Woltz The International Centre for Justice Bukowińska 2, m. 194 02-703, Warsaw [email protected]. Tel. +48 604 900 183 Howell’s latest book, “Restoring America: by returning to its Constitution” was released on Amazon and other booksellers June 14th, 2018. Order your copy today! https://www.amazon.com/Restoring-America-returning-its-Constitution/dp/171957863X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1530700187&sr=1-1&keywords=restoring+america&dpID=41fWBp6SUPL&preST=_SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_&dpSrc=srch |
AuthorBorn in North Carolina and educated at the University of Virginia, Wake Forest University and Caledonian University in Scotland, Howell now lives in Warsaw, Poland with his wife, Dr. Magdalena Iwaniec-Woltz. Howell is the European Correspondent for The Richardson Post and Chairman of The International Centre for Justice. Archives
December 2019